Color Vision Test with the ISHIHARA System

The 38 ISHIHARA Plates

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Plate 1

Everyone should be able to see the number 12.

Plate 2

Normal vision: 8

Red-green deficiency: 3

Plate 3

Normal vision: 6 Red-green deficiency: 5

Plate 4

Normal vision: 29 Red-green deficiency: 70

Plate 5

Normal vision: 57 Red-green deficiency: 35

Plate 6

Normal vision: 5 Red-green deficiency: 2

Plate 7

Normal vision: 3 Red-green deficiency: 5

Plate 8

Normal vision: 15 Red-green deficiency: 17

Plate 9

Normal vision: 74 Red-green deficiency: 21

Plate 10

Normal vision: 2 Red-green deficiency: None or incorrect.

Plate 11

Normal vision: 6 Red-green deficiency: None or incorrect.

Plate 12

Normal vision: 97 Red-green deficiency: None or incorrect.

Plate 13

Normal vision: 45 Red-green deficiency: None or incorrect.

Plate 14

Normal vision: 5 Red-green deficiency: None or incorrect

Plate 15

Normal vision: 7 Red-green deficiency: None or incorrect

Plate 16

Normal vision: 16 Red-green deficiency: None or incorrect

Plate 17

Normal vision: 73 Red-green deficiency: None or incorrect

Plate 18

Normal vision: None Red-green deficiency: 5

Plate 19

Normal vision: None Red-green deficiency: 2

Plate 20

Normal vision: None Red-green deficiency: 45

Plate 21

Normal vision: None Red-green deficiency: 73

Plate 22

Normal vision: 26

Protanopia: 6 Deuteranopia: 2

Plate 23

Normal vision: 42

Protanopia: 2 Deuteranopia: 4

Plate 24

Normal vision: 35

Protanopia: 5 Deuteranopia: 3

Plate 25

Normal vision: 96

Protanopia: 6 Deuteranopia: 9

Plate 26

Normal vision: Purple and red dots Protanopia: Only purple line Deuteranopia: Only red line

Plate 27

Normal vision: Purple and red dots Protanopia: Only purple line Deuteranopia: Only red line

Plate 28

Normal vision: None Red-green deficiency: A line

Plate 29

Normal vision: None Red-green deficiency: A line

Plate 30

Normal vision: Blue-green line

Red-green deficiency: Nothing

Plate 31

Normal vision: Blue-green line

Red-green deficiency: Nothing

Plate 32

Normal vision: Orange line Red-green deficiency: None or a false line

Plate 33

Normal vision: Orange line Red-green deficiency: None or a false line

Plate 34

Normal vision: Blue-green and yellow-green lines Red-green deficiency: Only red-green and violet lines

Plate 35

Normal vision: Blue-green and yellow-green lines Red-green deficiency: Only blue-green and violet lines

Plate 36

Normal vision: Violet and orange lines Red-green deficiency: Blue-green and violet lines

Plate 37

Normal vision: Violet and orange lines Red-green deficiency: Blue-green and violet lines

Plate 38

Everyone should be able to see the same line.

Procedures for Conducting the Test with the ISHIHARA 38-Plate Edition


  • Ensure that the test is conducted in a room with good, natural light or light with a color temperature of approximately 6500 Kelvin.
  • Avoid direct sunlight or bright artificial light, which can affect the test results.

2. Patient’s Position:

  • Seat the patient comfortably in a chair with the test book or cards placed at eye level.
  • Maintain a distance of approximately 50 cm between the patient’s eyes and the test book.

3. Instructions to the Patient:

  • Explain to the patient that they need to look at each image and identify the number or pattern they see.
  • Inform the patient that it’s okay if they can’t see anything on some of the images.

4. Test Process:

  • Show the patient one test card at a time for 3-5 seconds.
  • Note the patient’s response without providing any hints or corrections.
  • Ensure to cover both eyes separately if you wish to test each eye individually.

5. Evaluation of Results:

  • Compare the patient’s responses with the correct answers provided below.
  • Use the results to determine the type and degree of color blindness (e.g., red-green color blindness).



If a person can correctly read 17 or more plates out of the first 21 plates, their color vision is considered normal. However, if the person can only correctly read 13 or fewer plates, it is interpreted as a red-green color deficiency. The individual identified with red-green deficiency will be shown diagnostic plates (22-25) to differentiate between protans (red deficiency) and deutans (green deficiency).
The number plates should be answered within 3 seconds, and the tracing should be completed within 10 seconds.

The 38-plate version consists of 6 different types of plates as follows:
  1. The first type of plate is called a demonstration plate. This plate is used for demonstration purposes and for patients who are simulating. The numbers on the plates are read the same by everyone, whether they are normal, red-green deficient, or totally colorblind.
  2. The second type is transformation plates, from page 2 to 9. A number seen by a normal person appears differently to someone with red-green color deficiency. On plate number 2, a normal person will see 8, but a red-green colorblind person will read 3. Similarly, on plate number 3, a normal person will see 6, but a red-green deficient person will read 5. You can check the answer on the interpretation chart below.
  3. Next are the vanishing images from page 10 to 17. On these plates, a normal person can see numbers, but someone with red-green deficiency cannot see any number. So if you can’t read any number here, you might have a color vision deficiency.
  4. The next pages, from 18 to 21, are the hidden digit plates. These are the opposite of the vanishing plates, where a normal person cannot see any number, but a person with color vision deficiency can see numbers. So if you can’t see any numbers here, don’t worry, it’s a normal reaction.
  5. The fifth type is the diagnostic plates from page 22 to 25. They are used to differentiate between protans and deutans. Protans are those who have difficulty with red color, and deutans are those who have difficulty with green color. On these plates, protans can see digits on the right side, while deutans can see digits on the left side.
  6. Following this are the tracing plates from page 26 to 38 for a person who cannot read the numbers. The person is asked to trace the colored line from one X to the other.


Plate Number People with Normal Vision See: People with Red/Green Deficiency See: People with Total Colorblindness See:
Demonstration Plate 1 12 12 12
Transformation Plate 2 8 3 X
Transformation Plate 3 6 5 X
Transformation Plate 4 29 70 X
Transformation Plate 5 57 35 X
Transformation Plate 6 5 2 X
Transformation Plate 7 3 5 X
Transformation Plate 8 74 21 X
Transformation Plate 9 15 17 X
Vanishing Plate 10 45 X X
Vanishing Plate 11 5 X X
Vanishing Plate 12 73 X X
Vanishing Plate 13 45 X X
Vanishing Plate 14 5 X X
Vanishing Plate 15 7 X X
Vanishing Plate 16 26 X X
Vanishing Plate 17 42 X X
Hidden Digit Plate 18 X 5 X
Hidden Digit Plate 19 X 2 X
Hidden Digit Plate 20 X 45 X
Hidden Digit Plate 21 X 73 X
Protan – Red Problems Deutan – Green Problems
Severe Mild Severe Mild
Diagnostic Plate 22 26 6 (2) 6 2 2 (6)
Diagnostic Plate 23 42 2 (4) 2 4 4 (2)
Diagnostic Plate 24 35 5 (3) 5 3 3 (5)
Diagnostic Plate 25 96 6 (9) 6 9 9 (6)
Tracing Plate 26
Tracing Plate 27
Tracing Plate 28
Tracing Plate 29
Tracing Plate 30
Tracing Plate 31
Tracing Plate 32
Tracing Plate 33
Tracing Plate 34
Tracing Plate 35
Tracing Plate 36
Tracing Plate 37
Tracing Plate 38
